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Paul R. Carr

PAUL R. CARR is a Full Professor in the Department of Education at the Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada, and is also the Chair-holder of the UNESCO Chair in Democracy, Global Citizenship and Transformative Education (DCMÉT). His research focuses on political sociology, with specific threads related to democracy, global citizenship, media literacy, peace studies, the environment, intercultural relations, and transformative change in education. He has seventeen co-edited books and an award-winning, single-author book (Does your vote count? Democracy and critical pedagogy, Peter Lang Publishing) as well as a book with Gina Thésée (“It’s not education that scares me, it’s the educators…”: Is there still hope for democracy in education, and education for democracy?, Myers Education Press). He is the principal investigator of two Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) research projects entitled, respectively, Democracy, political literacy and transformative education, and Social Media, Citizen Participation and Education. Before entering academia, he was a Senior Policy Advisor in the Ontario Ministry of Education (Canada), working on equity and social justice issues.

Paul R.	Carr

Simposio Internacional sobre Democracia, Ciudadanía Global y Educación Transformadora

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