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Dave Hill

Prof. Dave Hill, PhDChief Editor and Founding Editor, Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies,
Emeritus Research Professor of Education at Anglia Ruskin University, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford and Cambridge, England
Research Fellow of the Research Center of Contemporary China in Wuhan University (RCCC), Wuhan, Hubei, China
Visiting Professor of Education at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Honorary Doctorate, Centro de Estudios Lationamericanos de Educacion Inclusiva (CELEI), Santiago Chile
Director of the (independent) Institute for Education Policy Studies (est. 1989)

Marxist political and Trade Union Activist, Candidate in 13 elections (1 Euro-; 4 Parliamentary, 7 municipal), Labour Party General Election Candidate 1979, 1987 UK Parliamentary Elections; Trade Union and Socialist Coalition General Election Candidate 2010, 2015 UK Parliamentary Elections; former leader of Labour Party Councillors in his area/ county, former elected trade union Regional Chair,;former `shop steward/ union representative for 10 years; organizer of various marches and demonstrations. Tear-gassed in demonstrations in Athens and Ankara.

There is a Wikipedia entry on Dave Hill at

Dave	Hill

Simposio Internacional sobre Democracia, Ciudadanía Global y Educación Transformadora

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